Capturing in a Couplet

If you are out and about looking for the 'right' kind of shoes, here's couplet:

The insole of the shoe must be

bigger than the outline of your foot.

Let's repeat this:

The insole of the shoe must be

bigger than the outline of your foot.

Now, in case, so far, you haven't bothered about the names of the different parts or.elements with which a shoe is made, you may have a question:

What is INSOLE?

Or, rephrased, the question may be worded as:

What is the meaning of INSOLE?

Do you want the answer from me? 🙂

Or will you Google and find out?

Or will you pick up the shoe that you are currently wearing and try to tease out which part exactly is the INSOLE. That's not so hard to do for a thing that one spends so much monies on. Right? 🙂

Do let me know in the comments if you could understand the couplet, and if you could understand what you need to care of while looking for the 'right' shoes.

Whatsapp Siddharth Soni +918140002228.

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